Friday 28 December 2012

People lalala People

assalamualaikum :)
new look right ? *acehhh*
ouh blur taktau nak letak tajuk ape --'
sebab izzati rasa yg amat sedih tahap devaraja oke :'(
scroll-scroll fb. tibe-tibe tnampak junior pnye fb.
yeahh. the one yg rapat. the one yg nak berubah and we're there supporting you :)
tapi tuptup tdengar cerita yg dia dh terok.
beza ! yes beza dari apa yg izzati tgk waktu im still there :')
oke kalau tnye org lain mesti sedih kan bile bnda tu jadi kat korang.
yes. i admit yg perubahan tu need a lot of time !
a lot of patience ! but doesnt mean that bile kamu tak dpt nak teruskan, you can do that things !
istiqamah sygg :')
gmbar-gmbar di-tagged dgn abg senior ?
eh hello. dont you know the truth about boys ?
well. ape yg izzati tau adlh kami dh bnyk kali nasihatkan anda semua :)
bukan aibkan mereka kaum adam but that is the truth.
kawan maktab ade bagi tau yg pandangan lelaki tu kita takleh nak jangka.
they're too powerful tang mata oke ! 
wallahualam but maybe it is true :D
tetibe izzati rase nak dtg skola tu balik, nak tolong semua !
*copcop doesnt mean that izzati dh bagus oke. just nak tolong*
our aim is jannah right ? where is our effort ?
apa jasa kita untuk islam ?
maybe this is mine, in sya Allah :')
and bile pikir-pikir balik. marah-marah sbgai teguran sume doesnt make sense at all !
duduk kat maktab yg tak rapat dgn junior taught me this.
nasihat dgn cara yg lembut mybe better :)
mybe tak cukup usaha nak kuatkan mereka kan ?
everyone is different. *yes*
mybe kita boleh berubah dlm masa yg singkat tapi diorang ?
mybe background family yg sukarkan nak berubah, kan ?
jgn jadikan diri kita ni sama ngn org lain !
okeyh in sya Allah kalau niat betul, Kekasih Agung kita akan bantu :)
everything start dgn niat :)
for me, kalau kita dh di-tarbiyyah-kan dgn cara yg amatamat betul *i mean islam*
tapi tak dpt nak amalkan bila kat luar. amatamat RUGI.
it's just like kita biarkan sejuta ringgit kat tepi jalan :)
rugi kan ?
so now, please appreciate what happen around you :)
perancangan Allah lagi hebat daripada perancangan kita semua.
and yes. izzati ni pun still mengong-mengong dlm cari sinar hidup yg lame gelap gelita.
*please ignore my hiperbola*
hope kita semua dpt ibrah drpd semua yg terjadi :)
ouh, please jgn nak bwk diri tu sorg-sorg je ke jannah tapi bantu org lain sekali, in sya Allah :)

aja aja fighting people :D


  1. benar.. untuk mengistiqomahkan diri sangat sukar..
    that's why "they" need a lot of people like us (in teamkhemah).. somtime, I thought, speak doesn't gives any power yet for nowdays.. they need some action..they need "we" close to their hearts.. they need some touches..
    urrmm.. I'm not good at this.. different people need different tarbiyah..but one thing is still's a du'a..yes, always put their name in our du'a..

    sory, if i take your time to read my comment..hehehehe..jgn marah..
    btw, nice blog baby..
    #teamkhemah #followhere
    inshaaAllah, I'll come back here ^__^
    much love!

    from ::Arkitek Hati::

  2. haha. thanks akak :) in sya Allah we'll be there for them !
    for sure you're invite to be here again :D
